Existing Customers
Existing customers who have a query on their leasing or hire purchase agreement or who wish to apply for additional finance should initially contact their finance broker.
If you have lost contact with your finance broker, please phone us on +44 7380-HTF or email us. When contacting us, please have details of your account number ready.
Contact Hampford Trust Fund’s Specialist Business Finance team via email on assetfinance@htfunduk.com. 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays
Please call us at Hampford Trust Fund on +44 7380-HTF for a settlement quotation. hendrerit.
While you still have outstanding instalments to pay on your Hire Purchase agreement the equipment remains our property and you may not sell it without our prior agreement. For Leasing arrangements, you do not acquire the asset, but (with our prior permission) it can be sold to an independent third party or scrapped. However, we understand that your requirements can change. Please call us on +44 7380-HTF so that we can help you. hendrerit.
If you are unable to meet payments on your agreement, please contact us as soon as possible on +44 7380-HTF. We can discuss how best to resolve the issue for all parties involved.
You will receive a VAT invoice for all purchases. For Leases, an annual VAT invoice will be sent to you for the rental amount paid. For Hire Purchase, your copy of the document we send to you to confirm the arrangement is sufficient to reclaim your VAT.
Please contact us following contact with your bank to check the Direct Debit Instruction remains in place from your new bank account. Depending on timescales, you may need to send us a cheque to cover any payment due between closure of your old account and our being able to set up the new Direct Debit Instruction for your new bank account.